Thursday, May 3, 2012

Finding time to Read

Since I have been rearranging my schedule the past couple weeks (and going to bed much earlier) it has been hard to find time to read. So I have picked a couple books and keep them in strategic locations. Every weekday morning I drive the big kids to school. Since my toddler likes his car set pretty well I will keep a book in the car and read a chapter or two sitting at the school while he relaxes and listens to toddler music. I keep another book on my nightstand and read a chapter before I go to sleep, and then if the toddler happens to be playing quietly at some point during the day I might read a little more. I am also reading The Secret Garden to my daughter and will read a chapter now and then when it fits into our afternoon schedule... which is going slower than I would like. It doesn't help that she is trying to read the fifth Harry Potter book and has recently become obsessed with the Beast Quest series.

What we are reading:

MOM (not revealing my age!) -

SON #1 (age 10) -

DAUGHTER (age 8) -

SON #2 - a few favorites (he is age 1) -

HUSBAND #1 (LOL!) - He doesn't read.


  1. My husband doesn't read a lot, either. What's up with that? :)

    But good job snatching moments to read. That's awesome! I do read in bed, but I often fall asleep while I'm reading, which is not so good.

  2. Nice to meet you, Julie! I write MG too--you commented on my contest entry.
    Let's keep reading each other's blogs!
    Good luck with your writing.

  3. I loved The Fault in Our Stars!

    My two daughters (ages 12 and 16) still love the Harry Potter series, both having grown up with it. They are their "go to" books when they can't find anything else to read.
